The Acting Secretary of State to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (Vandenberg)
My Dear Senator Vandenberg: I am enclosing the answers to the written questions regarding the pending Greek-Turkish aid bill which were transmitted with your letter of March 20, 1947.1
I have taken as full advantage as possible of your suggestion that many of these questions might be answered either in my general oral statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee or in oral statements during the course of the Committee hearings. In the written replies on many such cases I have included pertinent portions of statements already made to the Committee.
I believe that all of the questions submitted to me have been answered.2
Sincerely yours,
- Not printed.↩
- The texts of the 111 questions and answers are printed in Department of State Bulletin, May 4, 1947, Supplement, pp. 866–895. For an account of the preparation of the answers, see Mr. Jernegan’s article entitled “Postscript on the 1947 Greek Turkish Program”, in the Foreign Service Journal, October 1966, p. 24.↩