867.00/3–2047: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Turkey
164. We have discussed urtel 2201 with Amb Wilson2 who feels that Turks should be told full facts of case with no attempt made to gloss over certain features of bill which may be unpalatable to them.
Text of Sec 3 of bill is as follows:
“As a condition precedent to the receipt of any assistance pursuant to this act, the Government requesting such assistance shall agree (a) to permit free access of United States Government officials for the purpose of observing whether such assistance is utilized effectively and in accordance with the undertakings of the recipient Government; (b) to permit representatives of the press and radio of the United States to observe freely and to report fully regarding the utilization of such assistance; (c) not to transfer, without the consent of the President of the United States, title to or possession of any article or information transferred pursuant to this act, nor to permit, without such consent, the use of any such article or the use or disclosure of any such information by or to anyone not an officer, employee, or agent of the recipient Government; and (d) to make such provisions as may be required by the President of the United States for the security of any article, service, or information received pursuant to this act.”
It was necessary to incorporate such language in both the Greece–Turkey Bill and the post-UNRRA Relief Bill in order to overcome public misgivings and insure success of whole program.
Sec 3 was framed with an eye to Greece rather than Turkey.
From your 225 and 2263 it appears that Turks by and large are adopting a sensible attitude.
[Page 131]Wilson requests that foregoing be used in your discretion in answering questions.4
- Dated March 20; it set forth the view of various Turkish political leaders that the supervisory conditions provided for in the proposed legislation on aid to Turkey were onerous (867.00/3–2047).↩
- Ambassador Wilson was in Washington on consultation.↩
- Both dated March 22; they reported further Turkish comment on the supervisory features of the proposed United States aid to Turkey (867.00/3–2247).↩
- According to telegram 239, March 26, 3 p.m. from Ankara, Chargé Bursley furnished the substance of this telegram to Turkish Foreign Minister Saka on March 26. The latter suggested that the objective of Section 3a could be attained by some plan which would prevent criticism of Turkey as allegedly controlled by a foreign power. (867.00/3–2647) The Department informed the Embassy in Turkey in telegram 175, March 28, that the “Difficulties mentioned urtel 239 and previous are very much in our minds. Amb Wilson confident we can work out arrangements meet situation both from US Congress and Turk viewpoints.” (867.00/3–2647)↩