501.BB Palestine/6–1347: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Officers 1


Dept concerned by current tendency among certain persons and organizations interested in general Palestine problem to describe various solutions which have been suggested in recent years as, for example, “the Arab plan,” “the Jewish plan,” “the British plan for provincial autonomy,” or “the American plan for a partition of Palestine.”

Dept realizes many persons and organizations use such descriptions as labels. Dept is convinced however that others may reiterate such descriptions for propaganda reasons, thereby conveying impression that those to whom proposed solution is attributed favor one solution as opposed to another.

Dept’s attitude at recent special session UN GA was based on view that special session was called solely for procedural purpose of constituting and instructing special committee to prepare Palestine question for consideration at regular session UN GA in Sep.

Those persons and organizations who now, for example, urge US Govt to recommend some particular Palestine solution or to advocate immediate immigration into Palestine are being informed it would be inadvisable for US Govt to make specific recommendations at this time or take specific action concerning particular aspects of question while Special Committee which is preparing report has entire problem under consideration.

In any discussions which you may have concerning Palestine you should emphasize Depths views re UN consideration of problem. You should also make clear that this Govt has not at any time put forward or supported any plan for future of Palestine and at this stage it is not supporting any solution in preference to another.

  1. Sent to twenty posts at London, Paris, Rome, Moscow, Ankara, Arab capitals in the Near East and North Africa, Tehran, New Delhi, Jerusalem, Kabul and New York.