501.BB/4–1747: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


359. Following memorandum sent to me today by Lie personally on organization of the special session of the General Assembly:1

“I. Regular versus ad hoc procedure.

“It is natural to assume that the calling of a special session of the General Assembly for the consideration of a single item would strengthen the argument for ad hoc procedures limiting organization to the strict needs of the business to be considered. Under rule 100 of the provisional rules of procedure the General Assembly ‘may set up such committees … as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions.’ Under this rule it would be possible, for example, to set up an ad hoc steering committee to consider important policy question, such as the role which the Jewish Agency for Palestine might play in the Assembly. A special full committee might also be set up to give actual consideration to the United Kingdom item.

“On the other hand, strong argument can be advanced for close adherence to regular procedure, especially in connection with the setting up and use of the general committee. Since a number of Jewish and Arab organizations will undoubtedly be requesting opportunity for a hearing in the General Assembly, it is of great importance that policy with regard to such requests should be worked out by a committee of the Assembly whose composition and competence have been well established and are widely understood. A move to create an ad hoc committee to deal with such delicate questions would precipitate a [Page 1070] prolonged debate on the composition and terms of reference of the committee.2

[Here follows remainder of the Secretary General’s memorandum, setting forth various suggested procedures for the establishment of the General Committee and possible methods of considering the United Kingdom item on Palestine.]

  1. The U.S. Delegation at the United Nations reported in telegram 346, April 13, from New York, that it had received a telegram from the Secretary General on April 13 notifying that a majority of the members concurred in the summoning of a special session, which was to open on April 28 (501.BB/4–1347).
  2. In telegram 179, April 24, the Department informed the U.S. Delegation at the United Nations it was “willing agree establishment General Committee for special session GA. Dept has serious doubts, however, re advisability of using GC to work out policy on hearings for Jewish and Arab non-governmental organizations.

    “If GC is constituted and suggestion is made that it arrange for such hearings, Dept’s position would be that GA must itself or on recommendation of Committee 1 decide basic preliminary political question whether such ngo’s may be heard, before matter is referred to GC. In event GA agrees to reference to GC, latter would be limited to making recommendations re procedure, specific ngo’s to be heard, and precise scope of hearings.” (501.BB/4–1747) The First Committee of the General Assembly dealt with political and security matters.