761.91/10–847: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Iran


614. On instruction his Govt Iranian Minister Oct 6 delivered message saying Russians had concentrated troops along Azerbaijan and Khorasan frontiers. Added active artillery fire heard and air activity also noted. Minister asked our views re course Iran might follow.

[Page 967]

Informally and as simply expression of opinion but not as advice, we said it would seem best for Iranian Govt to maintain complete outward calm this regard and refrain from public or private protest which would alarm Iranian people and encourage Russians in what seemed to be war of nerves. We pointed out Soviets had right to shift troops as they saw fit within own territories. Protest by Iran against activities within USSR might be used as precedent for USSR intervention in internal Iranian matters.

Minister said he agreed this viewpoint.

Sent Tehran as Dept’s no. [614]; rptd London as Dept’s no. [4338] and Moscow as Dept’s no. [1821].
