501.BC Greece/5–1647: Telegram
Mr. Mark F. Ethridge to the Secretary of State
339. Ethridge 74. [Here follow two paragraphs dealing with a document presented by the French, Belgian and Colombian Representatives on the Commission of Investigation, which they would insert into the Commission’s report instead of conclusions.]
[Page 862]I argued that this Commission was instructed to give SC benefit of its conclusions and that SC could on the basis of conclusions reach a determination if an act of aggression has been committed. Without conclusions I said there would be no possibility of SC making such a determination. Another argument which I used was that even if Russians veto permanent commission in SC without conclusions, world public opinion would not be informed at all upon what is going on in Balkans and Russia would have won great victory.1
[Here follows a further paragraph of comment and a summary of the document.]
- In telegram 417, May 18, to Mr. Ethridge at Geneva, the Department expressed its agreement “generally with position taken by you in paragraph 3 urtel 74, May 16.” (501.BC Greece/5–1847)↩