890D.00/9–1347: Telegram
The Chargé in Saudi Arabia (Bailey) to the Secretary of State
392. Summary interview Deputy Foreign Minister returned today conference King and British Chargé who presented reply King’s following inquiry submitted London:
“Why does not British Government, as announced friend SAG, cause Abdullah discontinue his Greater Syria agitation endangering peace Near, Middle East and what action will British Government take if Abdullah makes military aggression against Syria?”
According Deputy Foreign Minister, Chargé replied “Transjordan is an independent country so my government cannot give any assurance re former’s action since such might imply British Government attempting impose conditions on sovereign ruler. That [The] British Minister at Amman not inactive and going London get instructions to stop Abdullah’s disturbing rumors; British Government will take appropriate action and feel peace of Syria and Transjordan not in any way threatened”.
[Page 758]Deputy Foreign Minister reported King said British completely evaded his question, indulged in ambiguity which should not exist between friends and Chargé reply will only create more chaos.
Deputy Foreign Minister said because totally disappointing, discouraging, unexpected reply, King specifically ordered him submit thereunder question for me relaying my Government:
“What immediate military action would US take if Abdullah’s army attacked Syria, Saudi Arabia, and other Near, Middle East country?” Usual diplomatic answers regarding recourse United Nations elicited following question from smiling Deputy Foreign Minister. “What you say is true but will you please comply with His Majesty’s request?”
SAG appears disappointed British reply and faith British probably waning.
Sent Dept as 392; repeated to London as 38; copy by courier Arab capitals.