868.00/2–2847: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Turkey

top secret

98. Brit Amb Feb 24 presented two notes re Greece and Turkey respectively summaries of which are set forth as sections two and three this message. Turks have not yet been informed and should not be approached by you until further notice.

Would appreciate urgently your comments on note concerning Turkey, suggestions on implementation and Roberts’ estimate of probable extent US milit obligations if it should be decided to implement par. 3 (d) of Turk note.

Matter is receiving urgent and thorough consideration at topmost level Executive Branch this Govt. Major decisions are being taken and you will be informed of developments.

If queried you should avoid at all costs any mention of Brit notes and confine your remarks to general observations on present Brit economic crisis and known interest US Govt in supporting Turkey.

[Here follow summaries of the British notes of February 21.]
