
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Acheson) to the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson)

top secret

Subject: Implementation of Measures for Aid to Greece and Turkey

The President has approved in principle the measures for immediate aid to Greece and Turkey as set forth in the memorandum entitled “Position and Recommendations of the Department of State Regarding Immediate and Substantial Aid to Greece and Turkey” which had previously been approved by Secretary Marshall and Secretaries Patterson and Forrestal. Congressional leaders were informed at the White House this morning by Secretary Marshall of the nature of the problem and the urgency of the need for our assistance to these countries and they also approved in principle the general program for aid.

The action to be taken now includes the following:

A reply to the British notes which should incorporate a request for the initiation of top-secret conversations at a high level in regard to the whole international situation and for immediate assurance of the continuation of British assistance and full cooperation in meeting the problems presented by Greece and Turkey.
Preparation of an agenda of matters to be discussed with the British in the conversations referred to above.
Despatch of a telegram to Ambassador MacVeagh informing him of developments and instructing him to arrange a formal request from the Greek Government for the assistance required; the controlling conditions and arrangements desired by us to be included in the telegram to the Ambassador and in the Greek request.
The Secretaries of War, Navy, Treasury, and Commerce to be informed fully of the decision of the President and the Congressional leaders and their full cooperation requested in implementing the necessary program.
Legislation to be drafted along following lines:
A joint resolution by Congress authorizing the Export-Import Bank to make available immediately such sums as are urgently required;
A joint resolution, or if found necessary, a law authorizing the detail of American governmental personnel to supervise the expenditure of these funds and otherwise assist the Greek Government in making the most effective utilization of such aid as may be given;
Enabling legislation for subsequent appropriations by the Congress to meet needs in Greece and Turkey beyond the competence of the Export-Import Bank;
Such legislation as may be required to authorize the expeditious transfer of military and other supplies to the Greek and Turkish Governments.
Preparation of a message for the President to deliver to Congress recommending the enactment of the legislation indicated, outlining the circumstances which have produced the critical situation in the Near East, and stating why it is in the vital interest of the United States that immediate aid be given.
Preparation of a speech to be made by the President to the American people.
The preparation of a program for acquainting the responsible officers of this Government and the public generally with the seriousness of this situation in order to assure prompt support for an energetic program of assistance to these countries.

The prompt carrying out of this action is considered to be of primary importance and the interested offices of the Department are hereby directed to treat them as a matter of first priority and to cooperate fully in their execution. The appropriate offices should promptly initiate the necessary confidential consultations with the other executive agencies concerned, particularly the War and Navy Departments and the Department of the Treasury. The Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs is responsible for the coordination of all action called for herein.

All personnel will bear in mind the importance of maintaining complete secrecy on all phases of this matter except as to the extent that they are made public under proper authority by the persons designated to do so.1

Dean Acheson
  1. Undated marginal notations indicate the offices and/or individuals assigned to undertake the various actions required by Mr. Acheson. They also describe all of the actions as “done”, except for No. 2, assigned to EUR and NEA, and item 6b, marked “canceled”.