868.01/12–2747: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State


3439. Soviet press December 24–25th–26th has featured Belgrade Tass despatches regarding establishment “Provisional Peoples Democratic Government Free Greece” and quoting Porphyrogennis reference to “great ally of Greek people, Soviet Union”. There has been neither editorial comment nor preliminary build-up beyond routine Tass reporting radio broadcasts Greek Democratic army and continued denigration Athens Government on lines reported Embtel 2968 October 3.1

Presumably Markos’ move could have been made only with Kremlin approval. While existence definite plans is thus implied, there is no evidence available here as to Soviet intentions. While recognizing establishment rebel government will immediately facilitate Cominform propaganda appeal for increased international aid, local observers for reason summarized Belgrade’s 2360, December 241 do not regard recognition by USSR and satellites as inevitable. They inclined to believe Bulgaria and Albania may proceed recognize, with USSR and others holding off pending developments.

[Page 471]

Sent Department 3439, repeated Belgrade 23, London 390, Paris 409.

Department pass Athens as 53 and Salonika for BalCom unnumbered.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.