868.00B/12–2447: Telegram
The Chargé in Greece (Rankin) to the Secretary of State
2219. Mavrogordatos1 in conversation yesterday confirmed information given me earlier in day by Tsaldaris (mytel 22182) regarding Communist plot assassinate Gonatos and Zervas, which was to include assassination two unspecified members Government and several Greek political leaders. He believes action intend coincide proclamation “free Greek” government and with other disorders planned for same day which Greeks believe to be January 2.
Mavrogordatos, presumably speaking with full authority Prime Minister, asked Embassy’s opinion re precautionary arrest 30 to 40 known Greek Communists who could be counted upon to take part in above plan.
[Page 462]As indicated in top secret letter October 11 to Henderson,3 Embassy believes Greeks justified and even under obligation arrest Communists who are conspiring against Greece and whose activities may become especially dangerous in impending events. I intend take earliest opportunity so inform Mavrogordatos, but will stress that in our opinion arrests should be limited to real Communist leaders and not include, as in mass arrests by Zervas, large number innocent or merely suspect persons.4
Sent Department as 2219 repeated Salonika 156.