868.20/12–247: Telegram
Governor Dwight P. Griswold to the Secretary of State
Amag 562. At a meeting with Prime Minister November 28, he stated that on recent northern trip he found army morale and training excellent and he personally congratulated and thanked Rawlins who was present for British training. He reported, however, all officers agreed 100 NDC battalions essential and urged we reduce reconstruction program in order make American aid available, remarking such reduction would not be catastrophic, whereas failure defeat bandits would be. I replied Congressional intent envisaged reconstruction program which already curtailed for security reasons and I felt it could not be further reduced; that economic front as vital as military. I pointed out that if Greek Government had abided by commitment, immediate reduction gendarmerie fifty battalions could have been organized within available American and Greek resources. I pointed out further that in any event, immediate organization additional battalions is possible [impossible] because despite repeated protests, Greek Army and gendarmerie had drawn rations in excess authorized strength and nearly exhausted normal pipeline reserve. I used illustrations to emphasize necessity of Greek Government carrying out commitments. I remarked military planning staff would be here before long and after careful study might or might not reach conclusion additional NDC required. I stated categorically no increase funds for NDC at this time and question must be put over until February.
Livesay then brought up fact that NDC units already organized not used release army for offensive operations but located areas where army had not been. Prime Minister admitted fact and stated regretfully that NDC organized and officered by Minister of War without consultation Prime Minister and located largely areas of personal political interest to Minister of War: That this was family quarrel he did not wish discuss further and one of penalties of coalition government.
I then stressed US support for continuance coalition government1 and concern at reports that some of Ministers, notably Varvoutis, might resign from discouragement.
[Here follows further discussion of these matters.]
- In telegram 2072, December 3, Chargé Keeley reported that “Cordiality of Liberal-Populist coalition has been strained during past two weeks to point where harmony of action, if not continued existence, of coalition is threatened.” (868.00/12–347) In reply, in telegram 1969, December 5, the Department stressed the “continuing necessity continued cooperation of Liberals and Populists during present critical period and approves your intention to reiterate these views to Sophoulis, Tsaldaris and other appropriate politicians of both parties upon suitable occasions.” (868.00/12–247)↩