841.2368/9–1247: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at London
Telmar 21. For the Secretary from Lovett. You will recall that following urgent representations through Amb Douglas last summer Bevin agreed Sept 15 to postpone withdrawal remaining Brit combat troops Greece at least until Dec 15. At that time he intimated developments might conceivably make it possible for him to continue Brit forces Greece beyond that date.
In recent weeks this question has been further considered by Dept and armed services and all are agreed it is most important Brit retain present forces (about 6000 men) in Greece. During recent talks here this view was again presented to Brit military and diplomatic representatives who indicated full understanding but asserted that Brit Gov still faced great difficulties this question. Although holding out hope that way might be found at least to extend Dec 15 deadline, they were unable make any commitment.
If Brit troops should be withdrawn now results would be extremely grave. While it may be hopeful sign that Brit Gov has made no recent move to pull them out, you may wish to discuss this matter with Bevin with a view to obtaining a more definite assurance. As Dec 15 date is less than three weeks away, it is hoped early occasion may be found to express our view that recent events justify retention troops beyond Dec 15 (ref para two, Douglas’ tel 4952, Sep 12). It is hoped that Bevin will enter into understanding that, (1) troops will be retained Greece beyond Dec 15, and (2) they will not be withdrawn without prior consultation with US well in advance of proposed evacuation.
It would of course be more helpful if Bevin could agree to retain Brit troops in Greece either indefinitely or for at least a period long enough to insure internal stability in Greece. We appreciate however that it may not be feasible to make the suggestion.
Problem paper (dated Nov 20)1 for Secretary’s book being forwarded air pouch Dec 2 gives additional background.
- Not found in Department of State files.↩