868.20 Missions/11–1547: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece
us urgent
1838. Do not take any action on Deptel 1837 Nov 14 until further notice except to advise Greek Govt re operational advice as set forth first two sentences reftel.1
- Acting Secretary of State Lovett transmitted copies
of telegrams Amag 472 and of No.
1803, November 7, to Athens, to President Truman on November 15. His
transmitting memorandum stated: “In the light of Governor Griswold’s
comments on the supplementary instructions … we propose to give
further consideration to the question and to discuss it again in the
National Security Council.” (868.00/11–1547)
The same day the Department informed the Embassy in Greece in telegram 1839 that “Supplementary instructions to Emb and AMAG contained Deptel 1803 should be considered as in suspense pending further notice.” Governor Griswold was similarly informed in telegram Gama 457, November 15, 1 p. m. (868.00/11–1547).
Regarding Amag 472, see footnote 3, p. 407.