868.00/10–2447: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the American Mission for Aid to Greece
Gama 399. Re Amag 391.1 Dept agrees US Govt is in fact and necessarily involved certain aspects Greek internal affairs. We also realize it impossible prevent some press comment this regard. However it is our policy as indicated paragraphs 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Top Secret letter of instructions July 11 that American influence be exercised as discreetly as possible and that credit and responsibility for all measures be attributed Greek Govt and people wherever possible.
While we agree it necessary US influence and control over funds be recognized in Greece, we hope this can be accomplished through direct contacts proper officials with Greek authorities and doubt that articles in American press useful this regard.
Our position vis-à-vis other nations in UN is especially complicated by publicity from American sources which can be used as evidence in support of charges we have “taken over” Greece. This type publicity much more damaging than ordinary fabrications of Russians and their satellites because nations friendly to us usually discount obvious Soviet propaganda but are impressed by stories which seem to come from our own sources. We rely heavily on UN action for help in directing [protecting2] Greece and are anxious avoid anything which weakens our support from nations outside Soviet orbit.