The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Army (Royall)
My Dear Mr. Secretary: I refer to your letter of October 20, 19471 transmitting firm schedules of requirements for certain of the programs of assistance to Turkey under the Act of May 22, 1947 and in pursuance of the American Ambassador’s Report of July 15, 1947.
The Department of State hereby approves the Ground Force Equipment and Supplies Program as stated in Tab “A” of your letter of October 20, the Arsenal Improvement Program as stated in Tab “C”, and the Mission Table of Organization as stated in Tab “D” and included in Tab “A”.2 It is understood that these schedules of requirements are subject to minor modifications and that the State Department will be notified of any major changes that may later be proposed as the result of unforeseen developments.
Upon receipt of a request from the Budget Officer, Department of the Army, the State Department will allocate funds to the Department [Page 390] of the Army to the extent of 95 per cent of the total estimated cost of each of the above mentioned programs, within the general limit set by the Ambassador’s Report of July 15, 1947, including amounts already allocated for the same programs. The remaining five per cent will be withheld as a reserve in accordance with the Department’s letter of August 22, 1947.
In as much as the Highway Improvement Program, described in Tab “B” of your letter of October 20 and elsewhere referred to therein, has by recent agreement been placed under the supervision of the Public Roads Administration, that program is excepted from the approvals accorded by this letter. In this connection I refer to Mr. McGhee’s letter of October 17, 1947, and to the letter to General Lutes dated October 24, 1947. A copy of the latter is enclosed for your information.
Sincerely yours,
Coordinator of Aid to Greece and Turkey