868.00/9–1547: Telegram
Governor Dwight P. Griswold to the Secretary of State
Amag 222. To Wilds from Griswold. Examination overall guerrilla situation discloses increasing deterioration conditions since mission arrived and curtailment field in which AMAG reconstruction and [Page 338] economic work can physically or profitably operate. Guerrillas still increasing strength and now estimated about 16,000. Conditions Thrace reported by Colonel Miller (Embtel 1579, September 12) duplicated in large sections Macedonia and elsewhere. Convinced AMAG must give increased attention and effort to military situation.
- 1.
- Present 20,000 temporary over-strength authorized for Greek National Assembly [Army] expires 30th September. Extremely urgent that this authorization be continued for three additional months from date of “first call” of new draft so that old soldiers and those who have served several years can expect early replacement. (Paragraph 5 Amag 1881). The continuation involves no permanent increase GNA, but will complete the replacement of the estimated 37,000 older men in GNA and permit utilizing younger men. Estimated cost of three million dollars should be transferred to military from funds earmarked for economic purposes.
- Approval this point matter of immediate urgency in order maintain continuity status basic training centers which will become empty October 1.
- 2.
- Based on estimated present bandit strength and taking account realities Greek political situation permanent increase of 10,000 men (ten battalions) in GNA ceiling necessary.
- This also has psychological urgency in connection with amnesty.
- Estimated cost of six million dollars should be transferred to military from funds earmarked for economic purposes. I should warn Department now that if bandit strength increases substantially Livesay believes additional military measures will become necessary and thinking along this line should begin now.
- 3.
- To recapitulate points 1 and 2: present authorized strength GNA is 120,000 plus temporary 20,000 through September 30 for replacement purposes. I recommend continuance temporary 20,000 increase till early January to complete replacements and a permanent increase 10,000 at total additional cost military program of nine million dollars, to be taken from 25 million reserve as per AMAG’s 150 and 201.2
- Sophoulis has stated publicly that at early date new Government will request army increases and Livesay and I believe prompt approval foregoing can be used by US in seeking implementation paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of Amag 188.
- 4.
- I do not favor arming civilians prior clearance of bandits from any given area and oppose allowing Thrace situation cause diversion from military plans central Greece and Macedonia.
- 5.
- Livesay should be provided with adequate planning staff and also scope his present instructions should be broadened to give him authority to advise GNA to maximum extent permitted by law. This matter was discussed with Henderson.
- 6.
- Promptest liquidation guerrilla situation essential to achieve AMAG objectives and prevent increase and prolongation period insecurity with obvious increased risks to US interests. Forceful measures this time may avert necessity more dangerous and costly measures later. Time has come when operational advice must be furnished Greek forces through officers attached Greek staff and appropriate tactical units. I can see no normal difference between aid this character and training or logistic aid to GNA during present actual civil war. An offensive spirit and beneficial tactical advice would tend to eliminate continued ineffective military operations which play directly into Communist hands.
- 7.
- Because of presence British forces in Greece, British should be requested furnish operational advice to GNA without delay. Understand British Embassy Athens has repeatedly so recommended London despite known opposition this Govt to such policy. If British unable or unwilling agree without delay furnish operational advice GNA, US should promptly furnish aid this character. In that event I urgently recommend promptest despatch 125 to 200 American army officers for this purpose to advise GNA staff and tactical units. Initial group should be not less than 25 with others following soonest. All such officers should be under Livesay whatever their official status, whether special mission, with MA with AMAG. They should be without families as duties largely in field. Confident appropriate coordination with British military mission can be worked out here.
- 8.
- If British determine withdraw troops I reiterate views Amag 473 (a) that US troops must replace British forces or Greek morale will nosedive and (b) British mission should be replaced by US so all military aid duly coordinated.
- 9.
- Prompt despatch officers mentioned point 7, in addition to value Greek morale, would give them advance familiarity and experience Greek problems and certain of greatest value if replacement British mission becomes necessary or if US undertakes replace British forces.
- 10.
- In view Washington–London negotiations intention British troops British Ambassador not being informed, these recommendations but would appreciate Dept assent soonest to do so view his cooperative attitude and importance maintaining local Anglo-US cooperation. Naturally Greeks were not informed.
- 11.
- Points 1, 2 and 4 b especially on Livesay recommendations to me, but entire telegram is result of series of conferences with Keeley, Livesay, Snackenberg and McGhee4 and represents the considered judgment of all and has their approval.5
Please pass to War and Navy.
- Dated September 6, p. 330.↩
- Dated August 29 and September 9, respectively. The former inquired of the Department regarding agricultural spraying and dusting equipment; the latter suggested reductions in management contracts, reconstruction items, and the agricultural program. (868.00/8–2947, 9–947)↩
- Telegram 1291, August 5, from Athens, p. 279.↩
- Mr. McGhee left Washington on September 4 for a survey of the Greek-Turkish aid program; for the announcement on the same day, see Department of State Bulletin, September 14, 1947, p. 534.↩
- The Department informed Governor Griswold in telegram Gama 209, September 17, that the proposals outlined in paragraphs 1 to 3 in Amag 222 were approved and that the remaining proposals were being actively considered (868.00/9–1647).↩