868.00/9–477: Telegram
The Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State
1526. In order give Henderson chance to meet Sophoulis, I arranged visit by latter at my house this morning. Discussion naturally turned on present political situation and Sophoulis announced that he and Tsaldaris, “heads of two great historical parties of Greece” (see mytel 1464, August 26) are approaching accord for formation of broad govt to be led by Sophoulis. Said details still to be arranged but appeared confident of outcome. When asked whether new govt could be announced before Parliament convenes this evening, he replied “no” and added Tsaldaris anxious to save face with address to Chamber after which motion for adjournment would be made and supported by both Populists and Liberals, and final arrangements for formation new govt would be completed in few days.
Following Sophoulis departure, Tsaldaris called at my request and he too expressed confidence regarding coalition with Liberals. Added, however, that should this plan fail he would fall back on collaboration with EPE as second best solution, and have his assurance that in any case he would effect formation of new broad govt before Henderson’s departure scheduled for Sunday. For this reason he said would not adjourn Parliament beyond Saturday. Begged whole matter be kept highly confidential for time being.
Following Tsaldaris departure, EPE group (Venizelos, Papandreou and Canellopoulos) called. This meeting previously arranged by me to include Tsaldaris in belief that Sophoulis–Tsaldaris coalition out of question and only possible solution “second best” one mentioned above. I had also invited Griswold in order bring maximum pressure in final attempt secure broadened govt before convocation Parliament and avoid possible recriminations in debate. However, in view new confidential information just received, I contrived to limit meeting to drawing up EPE program to present to Tsaldaris as a basis for further possible discussion, and took this to him immediately after meeting concluded. In drawing up program, EPE leaders anxious receive US guidance and sage advice of Henderson and Griswold accepted with alacrity.
[Page 327]During above meeting I was advised by two US correspondents that Lambrakis paper Vima was already preparing launch extra edition trumpeting success of Sophoulis. Fearing such action might well impede completion of delicate negotiations, I at once informed Tsaldaris who phoned Varvoutis, Sophoulis assistant, and arranged (apparently successfully) to hold edition up.
Parliament convened 7 p. m. and Tsaldaris made brief statement of reasons for fall of Maximos Govt and existence present situation (details in following clear telegram) after first showing draft of speech to Sophoulis lieutenants to make sure no possible inflammatory material included. Also, at my suggestion, he doctored draft with regard possible offense to other centrist groups. Motion made for adjournment till Saturday widely supported and promptly carried. Understand Sophoulis–Tsaldaris negotiations will now continue.