841.2368/8–3047: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom

top secret

3799. For the Ambassador. Brit Emb has told us informally Brit members Combined Chiefs Washington now prepared discuss contents [Page 320] Bevin’s note with US Joint Chiefs. Emb inquired whether this agreeable to military. We replied that we had requested Sees War Navy refer matter to Joint Chiefs for study and probable discussion with Brit military but that we did not accept either the premises or the categorical position on deadlines taken by Bevin in his note.

We feel that in view of the very strong representations which you made to Bevin on the basis of Deptels 3304 and 3305 of Aug 11 that we had better reserve further formal representations until we have received the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at which time we shall probably wish to send a very strong message through you to either Bevin or Attlee from the Sec or the Pres. In the meantime however we do not want Bevin to feel that we accept either the premises or the categorical position on deadlines set forth in his note. We look to you to make this known to him, using the See’s comments (Deptel 3688 Aug 262) as background for telling Bevin and other Brit officials whenever appropriate that we take a serious view of this matter.

  1. Regarding telegram 3305, see footnote 1, p. 273.
  2. Not printed, but see footnote 3, p. 313.