Memorandum by the Counselor of the Department (Bohlen) to the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
Subject: Development with the British Embassy Regarding British Troop Removals from Greece and Italy
After dinner on the evening of July 30 I told Mr. Balfour of our concern over the manner in which the British informed us of their intention to remove their troops from Greece and Italy. I said we had of course known of the intention progressively to remove their troops from Greece but that the Italian decision was a new element and furthermore in regard to Greece coming on the heels of the Soviet veto we were very much concerned of the effect in Greece if the news leaked out of London which was already in the press. I said that I hoped to convey our feelings on this matter emphasizing how dangerous we felt it was at this time to have any sudden announcement or information [Page 272] on the subject indicating such curtailments in present British positions, that I hoped that any announcement or guidance which the British Government might make on the troops in Greece and Italy would be done in such a way as to indicate no basic change in the situation but merely the carrying out of a previously announced policy (I have in mind the announcement in the House of Commons in April regarding Greece).
Mr. Balfour not only thoroughly agreed but said it had been his intention to send a telegram very much along those lines to his Government emphasizing in strong terms the bad effect any sudden announcement without adequate consultation with the U.S. Government would have in the U.S. and throughout the world.
This morning Mr. Balfour called me to say that in reply to his message the British Government had said that for guidance British and other correspondents in London were being told that the progressive removal of troops was merely in accordance with previously announced positions and represented in no way any change in British attitude towards their responsibilities in these countries.