868.00/7–2147: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece

us urgent

1142. Tsaldaris in course of recent conversations in Dept on various unrelated subjects has invariably raised question of difficulty of obtaining effective action in present crisis with coalition govt. Although Dept intends early next week to discuss with him possible broadening of govt we today had preliminary exchange of views on this subject.

Tsaldaris stressed his personal responsibility to electorate even in coalition cabinet, since he was leader of party having absolute parliamentary majority. Now with seven party leaders in cabinet no decisions could be taken without protracted discussion and security leaks, resulting in delay and inaction when vigorous rapid action required in present emergency. Mentioned as example recent alleged announcement of Air Min Canellopoulos at Yannina that Northern Epirus question was again being raised.

Added it was easier govern without opposition but opposition necessary in parliamentary democracy in order avoid worst type of dictatorship, the ineffective dictatorship of a coalition cabinet. Said even Sophoulis agreed this point. In any case, new opposition with reshuffling of parliametary party lines sure to develop.

Even Liberals and non-Communist Leftists, he claimed, now supported Govt against armed attacks of Communists. Only advantage further broadening cabinet to include Liberals would be for world public opinion in case “free” rebel govt formed.

Finally Tsaldaris said that if full national coalition govt formed, leaving no opposition inside parliament, only possible alternatives if and when such govt failed would be (a) new elections which, if they can be held, would undoubtedly result in fifty to sixty Communists in parliament, or (b) reversion to homogeneous Populist cabinet with himself as PriMin.

We replied along lines urtel 1185 July 21, emphasizing necessity of national unity in face of threat to entire Greek nation. Any comments on Tsaldaris’ arguments you believe would be helpful in discussing matter further with him would be appreciated.
