Editorial Note
Ambassador MacVeagh and Greek Prime Minister Maximos signed an agreement at Athens on July 8, 1947, providing for United States relief assistance to the Greek people; for text, see Department of State, Treaties and Other International Acts Series (TIAS) 1637. The agreement was entered into pursuant to Public Law 84, enacted into law on May 31, 1947. The proposals by the United States were accepted by the Greek Government without change. (Telegrams 810, June 11, 7 p. m., to Athens and 1047, July 7, 2 p. m., from Athens, 868.48/6–1147, 7–747).
In a letter of June 24, 1947, Richard F. Allen, Field Administrator of the United States Foreign Relief Program, informed Governor Griswold that the relief mission in Greece would be an integral part of the American Mission for Aid to Greece (868.00/6–2447).
On August 29, the Department announced that “a total of approximately $17,000,000 in vital relief supplies for Greece is to be procured under the United States foreign-relief program for the period July through September 1947.” For the full text of the announcement, see Department of State Bulletin, September 7, 1947, page 482.