Memorandum by the Coordinator for Aid to Greece and Turkey (McGhee) to the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
The President suggested to Governor Griswold in his meeting with him on July 3, 1947, the desirability of meeting with yourself and Mr. Marshall prior to his departure for Greece, to discuss the broader aspects of his assignment which could not be covered in his Letter of Instruction. I understand that the President also suggested the desirability of Mr. Snyder and Mr. Harriman,1 or in his absence Mr. Foster,2 being present.
It is believed that it would be desirable, in addition, to have present Mr. Henderson and Mr. Villard of the Department and, if you agree, Mr. Patterson and Mr. Forrestal, in order to cover thoroughly the political and strategic aspects of Governor Griswold’s Mission. Governor Griswold has indicated that he would like to have Mr. Forrestal and Mr. Patterson present.
In order to discuss purely political aspects of the Mission which need not be raised with the other Cabinet Members it is believed desirable to have a preliminary meeting with only Departmental officers present. Governor Griswold’s Letter of Instruction may be discussed at this time.
It is recommended that:
- a.
- A meeting be called including yourself, Mr. Marshall, Governor Griswold, Mr. Snyder, Mr. Harriman, Mr. Forrestal, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Villard and myself to discuss with Governor Griswold the overall political and strategic aspects of his Mission, if possible before noon July 9, 1947.
- b.
- Before this meeting it is recommended that a meeting with only the above Departmental officers present be held with Governor Griswold to discuss purely political aspects of Governor Griswold’s Mission and his Letter of Instruction.
Governor Griswold; Loy Henderson.3