868.00/6–1347: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece
856. Urtel 880 June 13.1 Importance attached by Emb to suggestion for immediate dispatch to Greece of Griswold2 and other top ranking AMAG officials fully appreciated by Dept but practical difficulties will prevent Griswold from leaving Washington for at least two weeks. Recruitment now proceeding for top personnel some of whom will be ready to leave for Greece within next week.
Meanwhile frequent press releases in Washington on Mission planning and program should have effect of reassuring Greek public that Mission’s work is not being unduly delayed. If, in your opinion, a personal communication from Griswold would help morale situation, you may convey following message from him to PriMin Maximos.
“It is with sincerest desire to be of assistance to the Greek people that I have accepted the appointment as Chief of the American Mission for Aid to Greece. I am aware of the many difficult problems facing you and your Govt in attempting to restore conditions which will allow your country to progress along the road to peaceful prosperity.
Numerous administrative arrangements and the necessity to familiarize myself with background material will require my presence in Washington for at least the next two weeks. You may be assured however that I am most eager to reach Greece at the earliest practicable moment as it is of extreme importance for the work of our Mission to proceed without delay. I am looking forward with great pleasure to my early arrival in Greece and to the opportunity it will afford me to present my respects to you in person.”
- Not printed.↩
- In telegram 768, June 5, the Department instructed
the Embassy in Athens to notify the Greek Government of the White
House announcement on June 5 that Dwight Palmer Griswold, former
Governor of Nebraska, had been appointed Chief of the American
Mission for Aid to Greece (868.00/6–547). For the Department’s
announcement of the appointment, issued on June 13, see Department
of State Bulletin, June 22, 1947, p. 1219.
Governor Griswold, in a broadcast over the Columbia Broadcasting System on July 9, described the program and organization of the Mission; for excerpts, see ibid., July 20, 1947, p. 141.