867.00/6–1347: Telegram
The Charge in the Soviet Union (Kohler) to the Secretary of State
2133. Pravda June 12 “on American plans for ‘moderization’ of Turkey” by G. Vershinin stresses military provisions in aid to Turkey.
[Page 199]Summary follows.
Objections Turk public opinion don’t in least trouble new “trustees” Turkey. They behave in this country as though they owned it and they plan establish control American advisers over spending credits by Turkey on “moderniz[ation]” of army. Having proffered their “aid” Americans at same time showed complete disregard for Turk sovereignty, entrusting to special military representatives not only determination of program of works to be carried out on Turk territory but also direction of their carrying out political tasks which are at basis of “Truman Doctrine” correspond admirably to interests American industrialists. Not only is surplus war material and some part products American war industry being sold off to Turkey but in addition all this being done under full American control.
Unending stream highly placed Americans coming to Turkey. Other such American military missions are expected. Members are discussing with Turk staff “requirements” of country for armaments. Conversations are concerned with motorization Turk infantry, supplies arms of high fire power and contemp[orary?] antiaircraft guns, reorganization old and construction new aerodromes, modernization and extension war factories, reconstruction harbors, etc. Even new uniform for various types Turk troops being discussed. American missions also visit all important strategic areas Turkey.
Very program of work US military missions in Turkey and list questions which are to be “study” American specialists bear witness to fact that from military viewpoint Turkey has ceased be independent country.
American capital penetrating deeply into economy country. Already branches American banks have been opened in Istanbul and Izmir, and branch American firm, American Middle East Co., which unites more than sixty American industrialists, has been established. American trusts are allowed to prospect widely for oil.
Under American pressure all restrictions for foreign capital have been abolished thus extraordinarily favorable conditions have been created for influx American capital. In fact USA has gained in Turkey fulfillment its beloved principle “open door and equal opportunity”.
In sphere economics Turkey also losing independence. British are having yield place to stronger and wealthier rival. Prospect being colony USA is deeply alarming democratic circles in Turkey. One can understand alarm of simple people in Turkey. They are disturbed by fact Turkey has become one of objects for application of alien “doctrine” which threatens Turk sovereignty.
Department please repeat Ankara 26.