868.00/5–3147: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Greece
730. Following is text draft agreement referred to Deptel immediately preceding:1
Begin text draft agreement—Agreement on aid to Greece
The Govt of Greece having requested the Govt of the US for financial, material and technical assistance to avert economic crisis, promote national recovery, and restore internal tranquillity; and
The Congress of the US, in the Act approved May 22, 1947, having authorized the President of the US to furnish such assistance to Greece, on terms consonant with the sovereign independence and security of the two countries and
The Govt of Greece, in a note to the Govt of the US of ————, 1947, having proposed certain measures within Greece which it deems essential to the effective use of US assistance and of Greece’s own resources in promoting reconstruction and recovery in Greece as soon as possible; and
The Govt of the US and the Govt of Greece believing that the furnishing of such assistance will help to achieve the basic objectives of the Charter of the United Nations and will further strengthen the ties of friendship between the American and Greek peoples:
The undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Govts for that purpose, have agreed as follows:
Article I
The Govt of the US will furnish the Govt of Greece such assistance as the President of the US may authorize to be provided in accordance [Page 186] with the Act of Congress approved May 22, 1947, and any Acts amendatory or supplementary thereto.
Article II
The Govt of Greece will make effective use of any assistance furnished to Greece by the US and of Greece’s own resources in order to advance reconstruction and secure recovery in Greece as soon as possible. To this end the Govt of Greece has already undertaken, and hereby agrees, to effectuate the measures proposed in its note of ______, 1947 to the Govt of the US and will take such further action as may be appropriate.
Article III
The Govt of the US will send to Greece a mission to be known as the American Mission for Aid to Greece (hereinafter referred to as the American Mission). The Chief of the American Mission designated by the President of the US will represent the Govt of the US on matters relating to the assistance furnished under this Agreement.
Article IV
The Chief of the American Mission will determine, in consultation with representatives of the Govt of Greece, the terms and conditions upon which specified assistance shall from time to time be furnished under this Agreement. Under the direction of the Chief, the Mission will provide such advisory assistance and will exercise such functions as are necessary and proper to assist the Govt of Greece to make the most effective use of any assistance furnished to Greece by the US and of Greece’s own resources and thereby to advance reconstruction and secure recovery in Greece as soon as possible. Certain of these functions are contained in the measures proposed by the Govt of Greece in its note of________, 1947.
Article V
The Govt of Greece will furnish all practicable assistance to the American Mission to facilitate the performance of its functions, the movement of Mission personnel to, in or from Greece, the employment of Greek nationals and residents, the acquisition of facilities and services, and the performance of other activities of the Mission. The personnel of the American Mission and the property of the Mission and of its personnel shall enjoy in Greece the same privileges and immunities as are enjoyed by the personnel of the US Emb in Greece and the property of the Emb and of its personnel.
Article VI
The Govt of Greece will permit the members of the American Mission to observe freely the utilization of assistance furnished to Greece by the US. The Govt of Greece will maintain such accounts and records, and will furnish the American Mission such reports and information, as the Mission may request for the performance of its functions and responsibilities.
Article VII
The Govt of Greece and the Govt of the US will cooperate in assuring the peoples of the US and Greece full information, consistent with the security of the two countries, concerning the assistance furnished to Greece by the US. To this end— [Page 187]
- (1)
- representatives of the press and radio of the US will be permitted to observe freely and to report fully regarding the utilization of such assistance; and
- (2)
- the Government of Greece will afford the American Mission opportunity for, and will cooperate with it in providing, full and continuous publicity within Greece, including periodic reports by the Mission, as to activities under this Agreement and the purpose, source, character, scope, amounts, and progress of such assistance.
Article VIII
The Govt of Greece will make such provisions as may be required by the President of the US for the security of any article, service, or information received pursuant to this Agreement. It will not transfer, without the consent of the President of the US, title to or possession of any such article or information nor permit, without such consent, the use of any such article or the use or disclosure of any such information by or to anyone not an officer, employee, or agent of the Govt of Greece or for any purpose other than that for which the article or information is furnished.
Article IX
The Govt of Greece will not use any part of the proceeds of any loan, credit, grant, or other form of aid rendered pursuant to this Agreement for the making of any payment on account of the principal or interest on any loan made to it by any other foreign government.
The Govt of Greece will not, except with the approval of the Govt of the US, allocate any funds or make available any foreign exchange for payment of principal or interest or both2 on the foreign indebtedness now in suspense of the Govt of Greece and of all public and private debtors.
Article X
Any or all assistance authorized to be provided pursuant to this Agreement will be withdrawn—
- (1)
- If requested by the Govt of Greece;
- (2)
- If the Security Council of the United Nations finds (with respect to which finding the US waives the exercise of any veto) or the General Assembly of the United Nations finds that action taken or assistance furnished by the United Nations makes the continuance of assistance by the Govt of the US pursuant to this Agreement unnecessary or undesirable;
- (3)
- Under any of the other circumstances specified in section 5 of the aforesaid Act of Congress or if the President of the US determines that such withdrawal is in the interest of the US; or
- (4)
- If the Govt of Greece does not take reasonable steps to effectuate those measures proposed in its note of ___________, 1947 or subsequently agreed upon which are essential to reconstruction and recovery in Greece.
Article XI
This Agreement shall take effect as from this day’s date. It shall continue in force until a date to be agreed upon by the two Governments.
Article XII
This Agreement shall be registered with the United Nations.
Done in duplicate, in the English and Greek languages, at Athens, this _________ day of _____, 1947.
For the Government of the United States
For the Government of Greece
End text draft agreement.