
The Secretary of State to the Secretary of War (Patterson)

My Dear Mr. Secretary: Although the legislation authorizing Aid to Greece and Turkey is still under consideration by the Congress, the Department of State has been doing what preliminary planning it could at this stage, in order to be prepared to carry out the program at the proper time.

Our preliminary conclusion is that aid to Turkey should be primarily in the form of military supplies and equipment with the possibility of such economic projects as may be in support of the military supply program. It is felt that the position of Chief of Mission can be filled quite satisfactorily by our present Ambassador to Turkey, Mr. Wilson.

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In the light of these conclusions I would appreciate it if the War Department and the Navy Department, to whom I am addressing a similar letter,1 would jointly nominate a Planning Group composed primarily of military personnel, who would go to Turkey as soon as the legislation is passed. We would like to attach to this group at least one economist from the Department of State, for the purpose of studying possible economic projects related to the military program.

It would also be appreciated if the War Department and Navy Department would at the same time prepare proposed terms of reference for this Planning Group for submission to the Secretary of State. It is our thought that the Planning Group, while in Turkey, should study the present and long range military requirements of Turkey and should consult with the Turkish General Staff. It should then prepare its report and recommendations for submission through the Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

In view of the expected early passage of the Greek and Turkish Aid legislation I would appreciate it if we could have your reply as a matter of urgency.

Sincerely yours,

G. C. Marshall
  1. Dated April 29, not printed.