The British Embassy to the Department of State
Ref: 313/–/47
His Majesty’s Embassy is instructed to inform the State Department that, now that the Italian Peace Treaty is in force1 and the year has begun within which the four Powers are to determine the disposal of the Italian Colonies, His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom would welcome an early meeting of the deputies to discuss procedural matters, including the instructions to be given to the Commissioners and to decide on the future program generally.
2. His Majesty’s Government therefore suggest that the first meeting should take place in London on the 30th September. His Majesty’s Embassy is to inquire whether this date is agreeable to the State Department; if it is, it is hoped that the United States deputy will be instructed accordingly.2
3. It is understood that the United States, Soviet and French governments are appointing their Ambassadors in London3 as their deputies for this purpose. Mr. Jebb has been obliged to proceed to New York for the Assembly4 and Sir Noel Charles5 has therefore been appointed as the United Kingdom deputy.
4. His Majesty’s Government would be grateful to learn as soon as possible the composition of the United States Delegation and, in particular, the names and ranks of any personnel for whom hotel accommodation, of which there is an acute shortage at the present time, will be required.
5. It is hoped that the United States Government will instruct the United States Commissioner to be present in London when the deputies meet, since time will be saved if the Commissioners can discuss the various technical points regarding their tour concurrently with the deputies meeting.
[Page 601]6. A similar communication is being addressed to the Soviet and French governments.
- The Peace Treaty with Italy entered into force on September 15, 1947; for documentation on the signing, ratification, and deposit of ratification of the Treaty, see pp. 515 ff.↩
- In an aide-mémoire dated September 25, 1947, the Department of State notified the British Embassy that the time and place for a meeting of the Deputies for the Italian Colonies were agreeable to the United States Government.↩
- The French Ambassador in the United Kingdom was René Massigli.↩
- The reference here is to the Second Regular Session of the United Nations General Assembly, September 16–November 29, 1947.↩
- British Representative to the Italian Government with the personal rank of Ambassador, April 1944–October 1947.↩