865.014/7–1847: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
3093. Colit 12. ECOSOC at its Mar session requested SYG make field survey, with concurrence govts concerned and at their request, of reconstruction problems Ethiopia and other devastated areas not included reports ECOSOC Temporary Subcommission on Reconstruction Devastated Areas (limited to Europe, Asia and Far East).1 Accordingly SYG inquired Eth Govt whether it desired field survey made Ethiopia. Similar inquiry addressed UK Govt as occupying power Italian colonies Africa and UK replied Jun 19 it would be glad have such survey undertaken Tripolitania, Cyrenaica and Eritrea. Preparations now being made but no date set for departure field missions. Brit have requested SYG make arrangements for movements of Missions through Maj Gen Cumming, Chief Civil Affairs Officer British Middle East Land Forces.
Dept discussed matter informally with Brit Emb officials here who have telegraphed London suggesting Brit play for time by taking attitude that ECOSOC Commission’s surveys in Italian Colonies should not be undertaken independently of or in advance of survey of Ethiopia. This hinged Commission’s departure on Ethiopia’s acceptance of invitation. Emb further suggested that in event this not acceptable Foreign and War Offices, Brit Govt might take attitude whole question should be carried over to next meeting ECOSOC.
Subsequent to Depts talks with Brit Emb officials, Eth Govt reported to have notified SYG that would renounce UN reconstruction aid “in favor of other member nations more immediately in need of urgent assistance”. This action makes impracticable Brit Emb’s first alternative suggestion. Dept has now informally suggested to Brit Emb that Brit Govt might instruct Cumming that at such time as SYG might communicate with him re arrangements, he reply that for following reasons, BMA would prefer ECOSOC Commission’s survey not conducted until after Quadripartite Commission’s field work completed: (1) Simultaneous presence both Commissions in colonies or even separate visits too close together would cause considerable confusion and possibly have adverse effect on work both bodies. Since Quadripartite Commission will be working under time limit, its investigations must [Page 598] take precedence; and (2) two Commissions in areas at approximately same time would prove too great administrative burden on BMA.
Please discuss informally with Stafford and telegraph Dept his and your comments, repeating Addis Ababa.
Sent London at 3093; rptd Addis Ababa as 137. (Re Legtel 175); USUN New York as 318 (for Stinebower2).
- For a brief review of the resolution adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council at its Fourth Session on March 28, 1947, and the steps leading to a decision by the Secretary General in September 1947 to postpone the survey called for by the resolution, see Yearbook of the United Nations 1947–1948 (United Nations, Lake Success, New York, Department of Public Information, 1949), pp. 546–547.↩
- Leroy D. Stinebower, United States Alternate Representative on the Economic and Social Council; Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.↩