865C.01/4–447: Telegram
The Ambassador in Egypt (Tuck) to the Secretary of State
414. As foreshadowed in mytel 368, March 26,1 Secretary General of Arab League2 handed me today a note relative to Libya with request it be forwarded Dept.3 Note declares that since it is expected Four-Power Delegation may be sent to ascertain wishes of Libyan people on future status, Secretary General wishes remind me he had informed Foreign Ministers of four great powers by identical cable June 11, 1946 that “the League being in virtue of its pact directly concerned with rights and future status of this Arab country and by dint of plenary powers expressly vested in them by Libyan people are positively interested in any decision concerning Libya and in particular in every inquiry to determine future status of that country and should consequently be represented on any delegation or commission of inquiry in event of such a procedure being adopted.”4
Note states Sixth Session League Council5 confirmed Bloudan decision and that “Secretary General cannot help emphasizing in this connection the importance League attach to such a procedure particularly as it corresponds completely with declarations made by Arabs [Page 577] of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica that they shall disregard any commission of inquiry on which League is not represented”.
Full text by pouch, repeated London as 27.
- Not printed.↩
- Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha.↩
- The text of the note under reference, dated March 31, 1947, was transmitted to the Department as an enclosure to despatch 2404, April 5, 1947, from Cairo, neither printed (865C.01/4–547).↩
- The decision quoted here was taken by the Arab League Council at an extraordinary session held in Bloudan, Syria, in June 1946.↩
- The Arab League Council was in session in Cairo at this time.↩