740.0011 EW (Peace)/9–1047: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Secretary of State
Moscow, September 10, 1947—1 a. m.
[Received September 9—8:02 p. m.]
[Received September 9—8:02 p. m.]
2812. ReDeptel 1698 September 8.1 Called yesterday on Acting Foreign Minister Malik.2
FonOff called at 0015 today stating Soviet Government agrees exchange ratifications September 15.
[Page 567]Department please repeat urgently Rome as 80, London as 320, Paris as 327, Bucharest as 16, Sofia as 16, Budapest as 19 and Leghorn and Trieste as unnumbered.
- Not printed; in it the Department notified the Embassy in Moscow that no reply had as yet been received from the Soviets regarding the proposal for the deposit of ratifications on September 15. It was explained that in view of the necessity for providing the Allied military authorities in Italy with the maximum advance notice of the effective date of the treaty, the British had proposed that a new approach to the Soviet Foreign Office be made by the British, French, or American Ambassador at Moscow after consultation among the three. The Department agreed to the proposal. (740.0011 EW (Peace)/9–847)↩
- Yakov Alexandrovich Malik, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union.↩