740.0011 EW (Peace)/8–2347: Telegram

The Acting Representative in Rumania (Melbourne) to the Secretary of State

761. Rumanian Communist Political Bureau on August 21 decided to request its parliamentary group to press for peace treaty ratification to take place August 23. Yesterday ratification bill consisting of single sentence “government is authorized to ratify and enforce peace treaty signed in Paris on February 10, 1947 between Rumania and allies and associate parties” was presented to Parliament by Foreign Minister Tatarescu1 with authentic texts and translations of treaty annexed. Tatarescu stated immediate ratification needed so bilateral negotiations to improve some of treaty clauses may begin. This morning, [Page 564] August 23, Parliament unanimously ratified treaty after speeches by representatives of DPB parties.2

  1. Dr. Gheorghe Tatarescu, Vice President of the Rumanian Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  2. Bloc al Partidelor Democrats (Bloc of Democratic Parties).