740.0011 EW (Peace)/7–1847: Telegram
The Ambassador in Italy (Dunn) to the Secretary of State
1993. The Prime Minister told me this morning he is working on a new formula with respect to ratification of the treaty. He is still anxious to have the Assembly authorize the government to ratify immediately but if that is not possible without running the extreme risk of overthrowing the government he is thinking of proposing that the Assembly authorize the government to ratify the treaty when it becomes effective. This without saying so would mean that Italy will ratify when deposits or [of?] ratification have been made by the four principal governments.
He also told me … that Nenni had asked the privilege of making this proposal in order to improve his position with Bevin and the British Socialist Party as he finds the Saragatiani1 are in better relationship with the British Socialists than himself because of their not going along with the Communists and more particularly now because of their position in favor of ratification.
- Saragatiani, i.e. the followers of Giuseppe Saragat who in January 1947 had formed the Socialist Party of Italian Workers.↩