IO Files: US/A/C.1/406
Memorandum by Mr. G. Hayden Raynor of the United States Delegation Staff of Advisers
Subject: Warmongering Discussions and Developments During the Day
Early this morning Dr. Evatt had the Australian amendment put into the Secretariat despite pleas made to him on the way to Flushing by Colonel Hodgson1 who urged him not to take this step without discussing the matter further with Senator Austin. Early in the day, I do not know whether this was before or after the resolution was put in, I saw Mr. Harry1 and told him how unhappy we were about this whole matter.
After the amendment had been put in, Mr. Achilles spoke with Dr. Evatt and urged that it be changed from an amendment, which would have to be voted on first, to a separate proposal in order that the Russian proposal could be defeated out of hand before this was taken up. Dr. Evatt refused to entertain this suggestion, stating that the whole point was to have his amendment considered and accepted favorably before the Russian so that it would not be necessary to take up the Russian proposal at all.
I spoke very earnestly to Mr. Ignatieff2 about our views in general on this question, and specifically as to the points made about the Canadian proposal in our delegation this morning. Dr. Evatt has managed [Page 90] to obtain the second place on the speaker’s list which Canada thought it had, and the Canadians now will probably wait for a while before doing anything. I believe they will also wish to discuss the matter further with us before doing anything.