Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State
Lord Inverchapel called at his request. He said that instructions from his Government required that he point out to me that there had been a recent exchange of memoranda between Mr. Clayton and the British Government as to the Geneva trade negotiations. Lord Inverchapel left copies of the two memoranda with me. (He also said he had furnished Lovett with copies.) Clayton had informed the British that he would recommend to me that negotiations be discontinued if the British could not accept our position. Inverchapel said that Bevin was not closing the door in his memorandum, and that he, Bevin, hoped that before I made any decision as to closing out negotiations, I would allow Inverchapel to present the views of Bevin and his colleagues.
I stated very confidentially that I was going to Washington on Monday and that I would read over these papers on the way down and discuss1 them with Lovett. I told Inverchapel to assure Mr. Bevin that before I made final decision, Inverchapel would have an opportunity to discuss the matter with me again.
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