Editorial Note

The United States Representative formally submitted the United States draft trusteeship agreement for the Pacific islands formerly mandated to Japan to the Security Council on February 26, making a detailed statement at the same time. For the text of Ambassador Austin’s statement, see United Nations, Official Records of the Security [Page 266] Council, Second Year, pages 408 ff. (hereafter cited as SC, 2nd yr.), or Department of State Bulletin, March 9, 1947, pages 416 ff.

Amendments were offered by the Soviet Union at the February 26 meeting and by the United Kingdom and Australia at a meeting on March 12. For the three Soviet amendments and accompanying statement by the Permanent Soviet Representative to the United Nations (Gromyko), see SC, 2nd yr., pages 414 and 415; see also Ibid., pages 474–477, 479, and 480, and post, pages 275 ff. The two United Kingdom amendments are found in SC, 2nd yr., pages 644 and 662.

The Australian amendment proposed the addition of a completely new article, as follows:

“This agreement is subject to confirmation in the interim or final treaty of peace between Japan and the allied Powers victorious in the war against Japan, it being understood that by such treaty Japan shall be required to surrender all its rights, if any, relating to the control and administration of the present territories, and such territories shall be formally detached from any form of control by Japan.” (Ibid., page 516)

Almost immediately Ambassador Austin gave notice to the Council that “at the proper time” he would raise a point of order against the Australian amendment.