IO Files: US/A/C.1/165

United States Delegation Working Paper

Resolution on the Establishment of an Interim Committee of the General Assembly

proposed by the delegation of the united states

The General Assembly

Conscious of the responsibilities specifically conferred upon it by the Charter in relation to the maintenance of international peace and security (Article 11), the promotion of international cooperation in the political field (Article 13), peaceful adjustment of any matters likely to impair the general welfare and friendly relations among nations (Article 14);

Deeming it necessary for the effective performance of these functions to establish a Committee for study, inquiry and discussion on its behalf during the period between the adjournment of the present session and the convening of the next regular session of the General Assembly (Article 22);

Recognizing fully the primary responsibility of the Security Council for prompt and effective action for the maintenance of international peace and security (Article 24);

Resolves that

An Interim Committee is created composed of all the Members of the United Nations, each Member to have one representative;
The Interim Committee shall assist the General Assembly by performing the following duties and functions:
To consider, as it may determine, such situations as may come to its attention within the purview of Article 14, or such questions as are brought before the General Assembly by the Security Council pursuant to Article 11(2), and to report thereon, with its recommendations to the General Assembly.
To consider and to make recommendations to the General Assembly upon general principles of cooperation in the maintenance of international peace and security under Article 11(1) and to initiate [Page 195] studies and make recommendations for the purpose of promoting international cooperation in the political field under Article 13(1) (a).
To consider whether occasion may require the calling of a special session of the General Assembly and if it deems that such session is required, to so advise the Secretary-General.
To conduct investigations and appoint commissions of inquiry within the scope of its duties and functions as it may deem useful and necessary.
To study, report and recommend to the Third Regular Session of the General Assembly on the advisability of establishing a Committee of the General Assembly on a permanent basis to perform the duties and functions of the Interim Committee with any changes considered desirable in the light of its experience.
To perform such other functions and duties as the General Assembly may assign to it.
In discharging its duties and functions, the Interim Committee shall at all times take cognizance of the responsibilities of the Security Council under the Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security, and it shall also take duly into account the duties and functions assigned by the General Assembly or by the Security Council to any committee or commission, such as the Atomic Energy Commission, and the Commission for Conventional Armaments.
The provisional rules of procedure of the General Assembly shall, so far as applicable, govern the proceedings of the Interim Committee and such subcommittees and commissions as it may set up. The Interim Committee shall elect its Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Rapporteur and such other officers as it may deem necessary. The Interim Committee shall be convened by the Secretary-General within 15 days following the close of the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly, and it shall continue to serve until the beginning of the Third Regular Session of the General Assembly.
The Secretary-General shall enter into suitable arrangements with the appropriate authorities of any Member State in whose territory the Interim Committee or its subcommittees or commissions may wish to sit or to travel. He shall provide necessary facilities and assign appropriate staff as required for the work of the Interim Committee, its subcommittees and commissions.1

  1. This text was transmitted to the United Nations Secretariat and was printed as U.N. Doc. A/C.1/196, September 26.