693.00231/10–1646: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)

896. For General Marshall. We fully concur in desirability of sending regular courier ship to Dairen and agree that prior notification is necessary. If approach is made in Moscow along lines suggested paragraph 4, your 1653, it is possible, of course, that Russians may impose onerous entry procedure or refuse altogether. We are prepared to face this contingency and if necessary raise with the Russians the whole issue of opening Dairen. They are committed to the establishment of a free port under Chinese administration at Dairen. They have failed to carry out that commitment, giving as their reason, we understand, that a state of war still exists with Japan. It is not unlikely that raising and possibly airing this issue, irrespective of whether we obtain immediately favorable result, may have a salutary effect on the over-all situation in the Far East.

On the other hand, if it is desirable that we achieve the immediate objective of having courier ships call regularly at Dairen, it might be preferable to avoid the risk of a turn down from Moscow and continue with the same ad hoc procedure of notification which we assume has been followed in the case of the last two ships which proceeded to Dairen.

Your comments will be appreciated.
