123 Sturgeon, Leo D.: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Josselyn) to the Secretary of State

468. Following from Sturgeon.

“Number 11, March 20. As indicated my number 4, March 16,3 Department’s instructions4 relative departure Dairen not received in time to comply. Instruction finally received via Shanghai about 12 hours after leaving Tsingtao as reported my number 8.5

Regret non-receipt instructions but believe subsequent (repeated Chungking as 213) messages will indicate careful groundwork laid for return. Particular reasons for referring [deferring] actual opening of office were: (1) telegraphic communication on basis permission each message making prompt or effective reporting impossible, (2) belief Ambassador’s6 presence Washington might warrant being in position consultation, (3) lack of permanent personnel, supplies and necessity arrange these matters to meet abnormal conditions. Although health has not been good, this factor was considered mainly in connection with request made for assistance of experienced officer in case of return.

Appreciate that Dept’s instruction possibly based on special consideration of which I could not be informed. On other hand, trust Dept’s view of our action will take account of Embassy’s confidential instruction7 regarding particular purpose of Mission, i. e., to test entry of consular officers in [Soviets?] controlled territory. This having been accomplished my efforts were devoted to consideration of [Page 1157] ways and means to establish effective Consular representation including the development of a satisfactory basis of cooperation with the Soviet authorities at Dairen. In view of apparent uncertainty of the further period of stay Soviet forces in Dairen area, this latter objective appeared especially important. Desire mention this connection conference with [Admiral8] Tsingtao at which he expressed satisfaction with results of Mission and took preliminary steps to support our further plans. Signed Sturgeon.”

  1. Not printed.
  2. Dated March 15, not printed.
  3. Dated March 18, not printed. Mr. Sturgeon had left Dairen on March 16 for Shanghai via Tsingtao and arrived March 20.
  4. General of the Army George C. Marshall, Special Representative of President Truman in China, with personal rank of Ambassador; see vol. ix, pp. 341 ff.
  5. See telegram No. 378, February 27, 5 p.m., p. 1135.
  6. Vice Adm. Charles M. Cooke, Jr., Commander, U. S. 7th Fleet.