Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Colonel J. Hart Caughey to General Marshall, at Kuling

1505. Doctor Stuart, after seeing both Government representatives of the Five Man Committee last evening, concluded that the Government representatives would be unwilling to reopen question of membership and veto power in State Council because Gimo’s instructions to them are so specific. Government representatives felt that Communist Party would be much better off if Chou En-lai would help the Five Man Committee get started, that even the cease fire order would then become a probability.

Doctor Stuart believes that the one thing the Communists want above all else is the issuance of that cease fire order. With the Government’s five conditions dropping further and further into background, Doctor Stuart has decided to recommend to Chou En-lai that the Five Man Committee get started. Doctor Stuart will inform General Chou that the Government representatives continue to urge that the Five Man Committee meet, at which time they can present their instructions but in a way that may lead to better mutual understanding. Doctor Stuart will reiterate to Chou that he wants the Government representatives to hear what General Chou has fully explained as the Communist desires for protection of the PCC resolutions. Doctor Stuart still believes this is the surest and most rapid means leading to the cease fire order. He is sending for Wang Ping Nan and will convey this message through him.