740.00119 PW/3–746: Telegram
General Marshall 10 to the Secretary of State 11
[286.] Dear Mr. Secretary: General Wedemeyer informs me that the evacuation and repatriation of Japanese is now proceeding at a rapid rate from China proper and that shipping now involved in this procedure will be gradually liberated starting April 15 unless Japanese personnel from Manchuria reaches the ports ready for embarkation.
The Japanese soldiers of Manchuria are in the hands of the Russians. Japanese civilians are scattered about in the country but we have no data regarding them except in the few places occupied by Chinese troops.
What procedures should be followed? (a) I might write directly and somewhat informally to the Russian Ambassador here stating the shipping situation and requesting them to ascertain whether or not the Russian Government wished to turn over the Japanese soldiers at Dairen or other port or elsewhere for shipment home and making much the same inquiry regarding Japanese civilians or (b) The State Department make the inquiry.
The point is that unless we receive early advice this shipping will be lost to the movement.