Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Colonel Marshall S. Carter to General Marshall

86701. The following message is transmitted at the request of Mister Acheson, Acting Secretary of State:

“I have seen Stuart’s 199697 of 3 PM, 29 November. I wholeheartedly support your views and have pressed for a prompt decision.

The three secretaries have stated their agreement to the primary mission of Marines as proposed by you. My position has consistently been that the number of Marines required to perform the stated mission is a military matter to be determined by the responsible military authorities in China and that agreement has been reached between you and Admiral Cooke that 5,000 Marines is adequate for the mission.

Mister Forrestal informs me that the Navy has already authorized an immediate withdrawal of approximately 3,400 Marines. The Navy has asked Admiral Cooke to confer with you in order to make a further report on the final reduction figure. Navy feels that it has a residual responsibility to review Admiral Cooke’s recommendations.

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As the matter now stands Navy is awaiting Admiral Cooke’s report. I would greatly appreciate your views on the results of your talk with Cooke.

Any announcement that may be contemplated with regard to withdrawal of Marines should be made as a routine matter in China.”

  1. Supra.