Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

General Marshall to Colonel Marshall S. Carter

1764. Please deliver following to SecState explaining that you are now also making delivery to the President.

“I have just completed agreement with Admiral Cooke, 7th Fleet, for immediate reduction of Marine Forces by 5000, leaving balance of 10,000. Troops to leave are all of those to the north of Taku or Tangku, that is, the Combat Team now between Peitaiho and Chinwangtao, and also an Air Squadron from Peiping and some troops from Tientsin. Discussion will be taking place immediately in Peiping to determine amount of reduction that can be carried out there and in Tientsin without detriment to supply and security of Executive Headquarters. Should later developments make continuation of Executive Headquarters impractical then a complete evacuation of Marine Forces except a Guard Detachment at Tsingtao would be in order.

“Navy Department and CinCPac have not yet had opportunity to clear or approve withdrawal now agreed to out here. Shipping is available for most of the troops concerned. Admiral Cooke is making his recommendations direct to his superiors.”