Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Brigadier General Thomas S.
Timberman to Colonel J. Hart
Caughey, at Nanking
- 1.
- Attached for your background information is a study we have just
completed on the effectiveness of the authority of Executive
Headquarters. As you will note in the conclusions, no definite trend
toward a break down of our authority can be discerned at this time.
There are numerous problems such as inoperative field teams,
unilateral action, and non-compliance with our directives by field
commanders which are continuously testing our authority. These
elements are considered in details of this study.
- 2.
- This study will be submitted to the U. S. Commissioner with the
recommendation that the part having to do with corrective action be
placed before the Three Commissioners for their consideration with a
view to correction.
- 3.
- As we complete further studies of this nature, we will continue to
pass them on as background and as the best picture we can present of
the situation in Executive Headquarters.
Memorandum by Brigadier General Thomas S.
[Peiping,] 27 August 1946.
Authority of Executive Headquarters
[Here follow 23 numbered paragraphs on the problem.]
24. It is concluded that:
- The general and special directives have established the
legal authority for the existence and operation of Executive
[Page 94]
but do
not endow Executive Headquarters with any real authority to
enforce tripartite agreements.
- All real authority of the Executive Headquarters is
derived from the sincere desire of both Chinese factions to
negotiate differences in good faith, and from the will of
the Chinese factions to carry out fully the provisions of
all tripartite agreements.
- The most flagrant and serious threat to the authority of
Executive Headquarters is the large number of inoperative
field teams.
- Unilateral action by the Chinese Branches is a threat to
the authority of Executive Headquarters as grave as the
inoperative field teams.
- Refusal of field commanders to comply with instructions of
the Executive Headquarters has remained a constant threat to
the effectiveness of the Headquarters which will not be
overcome until some form of punitive powers are delegated to
the Three Commissioners by the Generalissimo and Chairman
Mao Tze Tung.
- Delay by the Chinese Branches in conducting field team
operations is considered of no more significance than
detracting from the authority of Executive
- Restriction by each Branch of the negotiating powers of
the lower echelons (staff echelons and teams) in Executive
Headquarters will never be eliminated entirely and the
hindering effect of this situation on negotiations must be
ameliorated by the astuteness of the third party.
- Challenging of the integrity of the United States
representatives of Executive Headquarters should be opposed
vigorously at its every appearance.
25. It is recommended that:
- This study be forwarded to the United States Commissioner
for his information.
- The United States Commissioner discuss the conclusions with the Three
Commissioners with special emphasis on paragraph 24 c, d and e.
- If the United States Commissioner considers the time
appropriate an agreement (Appendix H) effecting corrective
action be presented to the Three Commissioners for their
- Chief of Staff be directed to continue a study of this
problem to include the entire history of Executive
Headquarters and to explore trends that may develop in the
[Page 95]
Draft of Proposed Agreement by Executive
Appendix H—Agreement
- 1.
- The Three Commissioners have agreed on this date to take
decisive action within their respective Branches to accomplish
the following as a means of increasing the effectiveness of the
Executive Headquarters.
- All field teams will be made and kept operative to
include replacing members who are absent, lifting
restrictions of field team members and insuring strict
compliance with General Directive No. 7.15
- No unilateral action will be taken by any Branch of
Executive Headquarters which violates or is contrary to
the General and Special Directives or any three-way
agreement accomplished on any level of the Executive
- Positive steps will be taken by the Chinese Branches
to insure compliance, by their respective field
commander, with the instructions issued by the Executive
Headquarters as a result of three way agreements. This
will include instruction from field teams.
- 2.
- At the end of fifteen days from this date this agreement will
be discussed again by the Three Commissioners to include a
report of the progress that has been made by the respective
Branches in implementing its provisions. Discussions will then
follow along these same lines at thirty day intervals.
National Government
Communist Party
United States Branch