Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

The Commander of the Seventh Fleet (Cooke) to General Marshall

250914. Ur 56755 has been referred to me by ComGen China for reply concerning amphibious shipping under my operational control.

A total of 74 LST are now attached to 7th Fit. Status of LST shipping this date is approximately as follows. 40 lifting 60th and 39th Chinese Armies. 8 lifting UNRRA56 supplies up Yangtze River. 11 being demilitarized and decommissioned for turnover UNRRA. 9 under preparation for turnover Chinese Navy. 2 in support 24th Army Corps at Jinsen. 4 under overhaul.
Demobilization plans require 40 LST be sailed Subic Bay or laid up in other disposal ports and 6 additional be sailed Subic for turnover to Philippine Commonwealth pool not later than 1 June. This redeployment will commence about 1 May. Available to me on 20 May as a result of transfers to other agencies and redeployment will be 8 LST. Scheduled for arrival about 1 June from U.S. are 1 LST. for permanent assignment 7th Fit. Total available June through August, 18 LST.
It is estimated that Chinese Navy will have 6 LST in operation by 1 June and presumably these vessels will be under my operational control until lift Chinese Armies completed. Remaining 3 LST will be laid up Tsingtao until Chinese ready to take over about 1 September.
A total of 34 LSM now attached 7th Fit, Status this date approximately as follows: 8 under preparation turnover Chinfese Navy. 7 under preparation turnover UNRRA. 4 in support XXIV Army Corps. 3 in support 3rd Phibcorps. 12 miscellaneous employment. 12 must be sailed Subic Bay or other disposal ports to arrive not later than 1 June. Available to me on 20 May as a result of transfers to other agencies and redeployment will be 7 LSM scheduled for arrival about 1 June from U. S. are 29 LSM; total available June through August 36 LSM. Due personnel shortages and Crossroads requirements arrival LST and LSM from U. S. may be delayed beyond 1 June.
CNO57 has authorized CinCPac to retain additional 25 LST and 21 LSM in Pacific. Crews for these vessels number approximately 1800 men. Assume these are Navy crew specialists to whom you refer. Of the above number 7th Fit has been allotted 8 LST and 7 LSM. This is the shipping indicated as available to me on 20 May in paras 2 and 4.
All currently employed repatriation shipping now under control of SCAP, operated by SCAJap and manned by Japanese crews. Vessels so employed number 85 LST, 100 Liberty ships and small number of Japanese Navy and Merchant ships. ComGen China is reporting on Chinese manned Liberties.
  1. Supra.
  2. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
  3. Chief of Naval Operations.