Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
Colonel Marshall S. Carter to General Marshall
95280. Your 116448 refers, which crossed my 95190.49 Mr. Byrnes stated he was too far away from the picture to be of much help to you in analyzing the effect in China of defeat of the bill, but your proposition met with his complete concurrence and he would guide himself accordingly.
Mr. Bloom50 called me this morning requesting your guidance. He reaffirmed his desire to do whatever you want done. He stated that the only way to get the bill considered by the House this session was under “suspension of the rules” which limits debate to 20 minutes for each side and requires two-thirds vote for passage. He predicted defeat on this basis, which he felt would play directly into Communist hands. He then proposed letting the bill die on the House vine. Mr. Bloom is not aware of your 1164. I asked him to take no action to have the bill considered by the full House unless he heard further from me, and he agreed.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has completed its hearings and will meet tomorrow to decide its action. If favorably reported the bill will be placed on the calendar but will probably not be considered by the Senate unless extreme pressure is exerted.
At present writing, therefore, the bill will probably expire with Congress, unless some uninformed but enthusiastic proponent insists on action, in which case the bill will probably be hotly debated and defeated. Therefore in the absence of further instructions will make no further effort to get the bill on the floor, thus probably allowing it to die quietly.