893.00/11–1246: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

1860. Chung Tang Jih Pao morning November 12 carried following story: (Embassy’s telegram 1859, November 12, 4 p.m.)

“Following the three-day postponement of the opening of the National Assembly, the Chinese Communist Party spokesman made following announcement to foreign and Chinese correspondents:

‘The Chinese Communist Party is paying no attention to the three-day postponement of the opening of the National Assembly. The date for the convening of the National Assembly was decided unilaterally by the Kuomintang. The present postponement is also a unilateral postponement. It makes no difference whether it is postponed [Page 535] for three days or for thirty days. It is contrary to the principle of settlement of problems by political negotiations to which the Chinese Communist Party is still opposed. If the Kuomintang sincerely retains a trace of desire to settle by political negotiations, then this is not a postponement but a halting of a National Assembly with one party participation. [’]

A correspondent asked, ‘If the Youth Party and the Democratic League submit their National Assembly delegate lists, will the Communist Party adopt a similar course?[’] The spokesman replied, ‘Certainly not’. Another correspondent asked, ‘Within these three days is the Chinese Communist Party willing to join in discussions?’

The spokesman answered, ‘It is possible to join discussions but only if the discussions have as their basis the principle of settlement by political negotiations. Otherwise it is still impossible to solve the problems.’”

In my opinion it is unlikely that the Communists will join the National Assembly, but I do believe they will avoid an obvious break. The PCC Steering Committee is meeting informally afternoon of November 12 with all parties represented to discuss constitution.
