Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Minutes of Meeting Between General Marshall and Dr. Wang Shihchieh2 at No. 5 Ning Hai Road, Nanking, October 20, 1946, 7 p.m.
Also present: | Colonel Caughey |
Doctor Wang opened the meeting by informing General Marshall that General Chou En Lai and members of the third party had decided to return to Nanking on Monday. As far as he knew there was no new understanding except that the spirit of the conferences in Shanghai appeared to be such as to offer possibility of continued negotiations and therefore they all decided to return.
Doctor Wang stated that the Generalissimo’s frame of mind at the moment was somewhat pessimistic due to the Yenan broadcast on the 17th.3 This broadcast was considered by the Generalissimo as abusive, over which he became infuriated.
Doctor Wang stated that there was one point in the Government’s 8 proposals which he wished to have clarified. This concerned the third condition to the effect that the agreement reached in June concerning Manchuria should be put into effect. Doctor Wang asked General Marshall to explain this condition. General Marshall informed Doctor Wang that in June the relative dispositions of Government and Communist forces in Manchuria had been rather completely worked out and, although no agreement was signed, there seemed to be a meeting of minds concerning the right of the Government to establish in Harbin a symbolic force of 5,000 troops.
At this juncture, General Marshall read to Doctor Wang the so-called “Manchurian Annex” which had been prepared in June.4
Dr. Wang informed General Marshall that it was his opinion that the Manchurian situation was the most important matter at the present stage of negotiations; this must be settled immediately in order that other problems, which are actually of lesser importance, can be worked out. In this connection, Dr. Wang stated that he was very glad that the third condition had stressed the importance of settlement in Manchuria. Dr. Wang added that he had contemplated a visit to Manchuria in the next few weeks which he would probably have to cancel due to the fact that the members of the third party and General Chou were returning to Nanking.
Doctor Wang mentioned that he and Mister Butterworth5 had recently discussed the MAG contract6 and then asked General Marshall [Page 396] whether he considered it politically advisable at this time to conclude the transaction. General Marshall replied that he would have to talk to Mister Butterworth and then discuss the matter again with Doctor Wang.
General Marshall informed Doctor Wang that Mister Liang, Democratic League, had recently informed him (General Marshall) that the dictatorial announcement by the Government for the 12 November National Assembly meeting date was considered by the third party as an extremely important aspect in the present negotiations. The third party, as well as the Communists, considered this announcement as an ultimatum. Doctor Wang attempted to dispel apprehension over this act on the part of the Government and then concluded the meeting by stating that he would devote all his efforts toward influencing the Generalissimo toward a peaceful settlement.