
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in China

202. Balfour16 of Brit Embassy called Jan 29 and left at Dept text of note17 which he said Brit Ambassador had been authorized to present to Chinese FonOff, substance of which was similar to info incorporated in Urtel 127, Jan 18, 8 a.m.

Balfour was informed Dept could not accept Brit interpretation of 1943 Treaty and he was advised of general lines of our proposed approach to FonOff (Deptel 170, Jan 29, 7 p.m.). He was further informed Dept would request you to inform Brit Emb of our proposed note to FonOff and to discuss with Brit Emb coordination of future activities re this matter. Repeated to Shanghai.18

Dept accordingly desires you inform your Brit colleague of action you take and also endeavor in every practicable and appropriate way to work with Brit Emb in achieving end we both desire: that is, equitable agreement for assumption by Chinese Govt of obligations and liabilities which devolve upon it by virtue of pertinent terms of 1943 Treaty.

  1. John Balfour, British Minister in the United States.
  2. Memorandum handed to the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Vincent) contained text; not printed.
  3. As telegram No. 160.