893.00/9–2146: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

1515. In interview with Associated Press, General Chou En Lai in Shanghai September 19 announced he has walked out of negotiations with American and Kuomintang representatives breaking off what he termed “senseless” discussions which are designed to “camouflage [Page 212] the true civil war situation in China and to black out the truth from the American and Chinese publics”. Chou further announced he would not return to Nanking unless Gmo82 agrees to reconvene Military Committee of Three. He also declared that, as result of American policy in China, the military situation has “now reached the full stature of nation wide civil war” and reaffirmed Communist determination to fight on no matter how much assistance US Government gives Kuomintang.

Chou also charged that American program of dumping surplus war materials has destroyed Chinese industry and small handicraft and also damages enterprise of established American businessmen by lowering purchasing power of Chinese people. “American ideas of turning China into anti-Soviet base and into market for American commodities and investment has been rendered impractical by the misguided policies of American warlike elements.” Chou expressed his conviction that despite American and Kuomintang assumptions of a Soviet-American war there is no prospect of such war because neither American nor Russian people want it. A third war “will inevitably lead to revival of Japanese imperialism and its penetration into China rather than a victory for Kuomintang.”

Full text by airmail despatch.83

Chou is also alleged to have said that unless action is taken soon to clarify situation he will publish the record.

  1. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.
  2. Not printed.